It is only in this part of the world you declare your interest in a girl and the next thing she does is to start making demands for frivolous things like buying weave on and fast food yet she insists in a no sex affair.
Some even go as far as sleeping with an ex while they deny you the real deal just to keep you anticipating the wedding night.
This is indeed sad.
Truth be told, pre-marital sex should be frowned at and more so when it's done irresponsibly. I mean, there are so many contagious diseases out there and you don't want to become the next STD patient to be treated at a nearby clinic. It's embarrassing enough to be engaging in an unholy affair talk more of getting treated for an STD.
That being said, my advice is going out to the bachelors and spinsters out there and not young adults and undergraduates who are still trying to find their path.
My brothers and sisters. Pre-marital sex is good when you do it right especially with someone who is serious about having a future with you.
My reason for saying this is because, that's the only way you two can test your sexual compatibility.
It also helps you bond with your partner. In any case, it was only in the olden days people use sex only as a means of reproduction and back then I must say they had lots of sex going by the number of children they used to have.
However, science has changed all that. Ladies now know their safe period and there are several other contraceptive means besides using condoms and pulling out.
Finally, my message to the ladies out there who are bent on cheating their potential spouse even from the start of a relationship, I have this to say.
We are now wiser.
Till I come your way again.
Source: Nairaland
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